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Dog Breeding

You may feel awkward or uneasy when breeding your dog and I know it is a serious decision one dog owner has to make. But here are some good tips that will make the process easier for you and your dog.

You should choose the right partner for your dog – this is one of the most significant things to do. Bear in mind that the puppies carry with them the genes of their parents, so you should choose a partner that is healthy, attractive, and other positive qualities you like your dog to possess.

The female dog should be very healthy so that giving birth and pregnancy is very easy. Before the breeding process, she should be well fed with supplements and the right amount of nutrition to have all the energy and boosts her body for the pregnancy.

Knowing important records about the male and female dog can give a success to the breeding process, but you should focus more on the female’s records. You should know medical issues and background of the female, time of the year where she is in heat, and any important changes in her behavior.

You should also establish a firm foundation to your veterinarian. Having a good relationship with your vet is very essential since he/she is there all throughout the breeding process. You might want to ensure that the vet is doing his/her best for the process to become successful.

We cannot avoid the fact that dogs also possess reproductive problems. Usually, female dogs have more reproductive problems than the male dogs. But problems for the males are more difficult to solve. Low sperm count, anatomical defects, and reproductive organ infection are very common problems. Male dogs may also less or no interest whenever they have Brucellosis, arthritis of the spine, and hypothyroidism.

For the female, the right timing is needed in order to have a successful breeding. That right timing is when the female dog is in heat. But, that heat period is usually hard to tell with the proper hormone tests. Fortunately, veterinarians have all the ways to know when the best time to breed is. Heat period for females occur every 6 months and it starts when they reach 1 year. It is also advisable that the female dog is fully grown, as to avoid any complications during the pregnancy.

Once a female dog is in heat, it will show signs like changes in temperament, the way she acts, etc. There are many different signs but they blood discharge is the most common. You will also know that the female is willing to breed once she is in heat. Blood discharges are usually from dark red to a tan color. You will then have to let the male and female spend time together, like a couple of days and let them do their process.

Be sure to watch and study the changes in your female for once the heat period is over, you’ll have to wait for the next 6 months. The vet will then be able to tell if your dog is pregnant 22 days after the breeding time.

Breeding occurs naturally without help from humans, but if you want to accelerate the process, a little help won’t hurt the dogs. Hope these tips will bring you joy and success in dog breeding.

Check Dog Breeding for more of the exciting thoughts! 

Why not: Antibiotics

Have you wondered why most doctors are being reluctant to give you a prescription for antibiotics except it's confirmed that you are certainly suffering from a bacterial infection? Well, most of us might acclaim it is better late than never, but in the case of antibiotics, we're far too late.

Once upon a time antibiotics were known as a modern miracle for it had helped save lives. The problem occurs when they have overused its medical properties not just for bacterial infections, but every single complication that the doctors didn't know how to treat. In fact, even if the illness was viral, we were habitually given antibiotics so we would likely go home and feel as though the doctor cured us get well.

The truth is, we would have felt better by NOT taking those antibiotics for every single disease we encountered. Our immune systems would've easily recovered if we'd stayed home, drank lots of fluids and rested. This can effectively boost our immune system in accompaniment of natural herbal m medications, homeopathic remedies and whole food supplements.

The rationale why antibiotics have been so widely overused is due to superbugs that had emerged leaving us vulnerable with no recourse – good for those strong immune system because you and your pets can defense yourself against the formidable illness that awaits, beside you can forearm yourself by taking natural supplements, whole food and exercising, so that your body is secured naturally.

By heavily relying upon antibiotics to be the only cure, along with steroids (a consequent article will be intricate on this horrible drug) we’ve induced our pets’ immune systems and left them vulnerable and prone to these superbugs that are incessant to emerge all the time.

"Our society has been conditioned with quick-fix and band-aid medicine. We know from experience that this, often times, only gives temporary relief and in fact can generate a rebound effect of symptoms or undesirable side effects. Complimentary medicine, in particular Homeopathy and Herbs, can play a very large part in the successful rearing of our animals. Homeopathy and Herbs are essential, natural healing processes, providing remedies to assist the patient to regain health by stimulating the body's natural forces of recovery. They concentrate on treating the patient, rather than the disease." Marina Zacharias, author of Healthy Breeding with Herbs and Homeopathy.http://www.naturalrearing.com

But there’s nothing to get worried about, there are alternatives we can use to keep us healthy and to resist these superbugs. First, by using a holistic veterinarian or homeopathic treatment, you can discourse with them about the best options that can keep your pet at their optimal health.  Every animal is as unique as each of us. If you care for your pets in a homeopathic way, this means waiting to treat a specific ailment, and this puts you ahead of the game.

By feeding natural food for your pet's species, such as a raw food diet and incorporating probiotics and whole food supplements, you won't need to distress yourselves about antibiotics and their harmful side effects.

“Something that is also happening is not just superbugs that can be transmitted from animals to humans, but one I know of that can only be transmitted from HUMANS to ANIMALS, and this superbug is called MRSA. While it isn't as evident in the USA, it is rapidly becoming a problem in the UK. It is a superbug, bacterial infection that has developed as a result of overusing antibiotics. I have a dear new friend who lost her companion and friend, Bella, a beautiful Samoyed dog, to these dreaded bacteria. “http://thebellamossfoundation.com

Jesse Dallas, author of Are Antibiotics Making Your Pet Sick? writes “ The body should have 80% friendly bacteria and about 20% bad bacteria inside the intestinal tract. After the use of antibiotics, the body will have no more than 20% friendly bacteria and 80% bad bacteria if not more.

-Most disease, illness and problems begin in the intestinal tract. Consequently, antibiotics generate the potential for serious illness to begin.

- If you let your pets eat foods with preservatives, this means you allow them to take what I call 'hidden antibiotics'.  Preservatives work to control bacteria and once your pet eats food with preservatives, it will eventually have an effect inside the intestinal tract too and kill the friendly bacteria.

-It will take at the least 1 year to recolonize the intestinal tract with friendly bacteria after the use of antibiotics.

-Recolonize the intestinal tract with friendly bacteria by using supplements and feeding natural foods." http://www.pet-grub.com

Now is the right time to be proactive and change this.  We can start by not being apathetic, but by doing action in your life and the lives of your pets; we can and will make a difference.

One thing that is gives us hope is the therapeutic grade essential oils. In 1985 Dr. Jean Claude Lapraz, MD did a study using the therapeutic grade essential oils Cinnamon and Oregano "antibiotic" what he found was that not one single virus or bacteria can live in the presence of these oils!
I’ve taken this direction for myself, family and pets and I hope you'll think through doing the same.

What You Know About Your Dog - But Don't Want To Talk About!

When you’re certain in getting a dog, I'll bet you dreamt about the countless times you'd have with your new best friend. Nonetheless, there are things that you need to deliberate in order to keep your pooch healthy and happy. Things that possibly you'd rather not even think about!

 When you visit your veterinarian he may request you to bring a urine sample from your dog. How do you do this? Your dog confidently won't be able to hit a sample bottle. The coolest way to complete this is to tape a polyethylene vial to the end of a yard stick. While your dog is playing, position the container beneath his urine stream.

 This is stress-free to do with male dogs than female dogs but you can habitually get a tester with one or two tries. Your veterinarian will need as fresh a sample as thinkable so if you won't be compiling the sample to the vet right away, keep it chilled until you bring it in. Your veterinarian will be examining the sample for a range of stuffs like bacteria and crystals. If bacteria are found it possibly will mean that your pooch has a urinary tract infection and will most probable necessitate your dog to be put in a sequence of antibiotics. Crystals form in the urine when minerals bind together, there are numerous different kinds of crystals and these are peak often treated with prescription diets.

If your veterinarian requests for a stool sample it might mean that he doubts that intestinal parasites are troubling your dog. They can acquire these by eating fecal matter from carcasses, unsavory things and another affected animal. You will want to get in a fresh sample. The doctor will inspect it under the optical microscope and look for telltale eggs of parasites. Commonest parasites are roundworms, roundworms, whipworms, hookworms and tapeworms. Several of today’s regular heartworm treatments also protect against hookworms and roundworms. If you’re living in the country where your dog stays outside for much of the day, he may prerequisite to be cured with a tapeworm wormer on a trimestral basis. Other diseases alike coccidia, can also be seen under the optical microscope from your dog’s stool sample.

So, now you can discuss about those unpleasant things! It's imperative that you are accurately educated and can identify signs and symptoms so that you keep your dog as in fine fettle as he can be.

“Hybrid” dog – Isn’t that just an alternative word for Mutt?

We often heard about new “hybrid dogs", or “designer” dogs.  We can see them in pictures that are very adorable and these are the new breeds that are indeed trendy now days.
Of course they’re adorable and cute! All puppies are! Should you spend hundreds of dollars if they aren’t?  The answer to that question is obvious; in fact some pay thousands of dollars for one, certainly true! The young of a mating between two purebred dogs of different breeds is a mutt, a mongrel.  So if you have one, you should love it, care and train it for it as if it had the bluest blood of the canine kingdom.
There are hundreds of breeds of dogs in the world and every breed is uniquely created by humans. Each breed has a specific purpose – whether he is purposely assigned in guarding the flock or simply being an ideal lapdog. There’s no purpose that development shouldn’t continue.  In some instances if there is a need for a dog with specific characteristics, innovative individuals will come forward to fill that need.

However, it takes epochs to “breed true.” Liken yourself to your siblings. Do you all have the same personality, same interests, same looks and strengths? Chances are, you don’t. Each of you has obtained some of the “best” traits of your parents. And each of you has some of the worst.

Two of the well-known mixed-breeds out there now are the “Puggle” and “Golden Doodle.”   The rationale behind these crosses is impartially obvious: wouldn’t it be nice to have a Golden Retriever’s personality and readiness to please combined with the Poodle’s non-shedding coat and intelligence? Wouldn’t it be equally pleased to have a small dog without the breathing issues of a Pug, but quieter than a Beagle?
But there is no way of knowing you won’t get a stubborn, noisy, high-strung, slobbering mutt who sheds like the dickens!

If you are planning to spend your money on these “hybrids” that are commanding, be sure to do a research to all the traits of the contributing breeds. You will get a mixture of the two. And an equally lovable mixture may be waiting for you at your local rescue center –the coat you want with the size you want and the adorable face that melts your heart.

If you necessitate for particular characteristics in your puppy – whether a family member has allergies, or your household requires a quiet, or you have a very small, or no yard, “easy keeper,” or if you wish to fully partake in the world of canine competition, consider a purebred animal. There are over 150 breeds known by the American Kennel Club. Research them all and surely get one that is right for you.

Author Bio:  Wilfred is a writer of a various non-fiction, comic books, graphic novels, myth and reference. He is a proud father of two wonderful pups and two curious cats. He interested in working with a lot people. It is the thing that motivates him aside my form his cute pups and kitties. 

How To Tell If Your Kids Are Ready For an In House Pet

A house pet can be a wonderful addition to any home, but if you have children you need to make sure that they are ready for the new housemate. There are many things that you should do before you willingly accept any pet into your home.

Expose Them

It is very important to expose your children to a variety of different pets before you bring one home. Some kids could be allergic to certain types of animals, so you should either have them tested for allergies or expose them in other areas before promising to bring one home. This is also a great way to see how your child interacts with different types of pets. You will notice any trepidation quickly when your child is with certain animals.


This is something that you will have to judge for yourself. You need to decide if your child is responsible in other areas of his or her life. It takes a great amount of responsibility to have a pet, so you must make sure that your child can care for it properly. Notice how your child does chores, homework or cleans up the house to get a good idea if he/she can handle a pet.

Make an Agreement

It is important to make sure that you and your child(ren) agree to certain terms with the new pet before it makes an appearance in the home. You need to rules set in place prior to the new pet coming into the home. This could mean putting the child in charge of feeding the pet, taking it for exercise or removing the animal's feces from the specified area. You can put this agreement in writing to create an even bigger impact on the terms of the agreement.

Choosing the Right Pet

You really need to choose a pet that your child is not allergic to, and the child really wants. If you are going to train the child to care for larger animals in the home, you may want to start with an easy animal like a fish. You should also choose a pet that you enjoy having as well. You are more likely to enjoy the experience if you too like the animal. Cat lovers may not enjoy giving their children a dog, so find a good compromise before making any promises.

Artwork and Television

You should also look carefully at the artwork that your child does around the house. If they are constantly adding animals into their drawings and paintings than this could be a sign that they are ready for a pet. Also, check out the television shows that they watch. If your child watches a lot of shows that feature animals, this could also be a sign that your child is ready for an in-house pet.

A pet can be a great addition to any home. Once you have made the decision to own a pet, you should get in touch with a veterinarian to make sure your pet is healthy. Check out the website at: http://www.carmelinveterinaryclinic.com/services/ for additional information about pet care, nutrition, and to schedule an appointment.

How Animals At Home Can Improve Your Health And Lower Stress

Pets can enhance your mood and lower your blood pressure, which relieves stress and improves your overall health. Animals make great companions because they keep you from being lonely and make you feel loved and needed. They give you a sense of being and pleasure that can brighten your life. Pets have long been known to unravel jangled nerves and promote emotional happiness in their owners, even during the very toughest times in life. Let’s face it, dealing with everyday life and people is stressful at times, but having a pet can be a solution to this.

Dogs are a Man’s Best friend

While dogs do require quite a bit of care, the well-being benefits of having a dog are great. They need to be walked daily, which gives their owners routine exercise. They are loyal and will make you feel at ease and protected by letting you know if they think you are in danger. A dog will also let you know that you are valued by showing unwavering love for you. Merely playing or laying with your dog for a few minutes at a time can raise your brain’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, which presents a tranquil calmness without having to take medications.

Cats are Entertaining and Independent

Cats make good friends because they can actually sense what their owners are feeling. Whether you are sensing emotions of sadness, irritability, loneliness or frustration, felines seem to pick up on your feelings and will try to console you by nuzzling or cuddling up to you. They are clean, inexpensive to feed and care for, and groom themselves. A cat can entertain you and itself for hours with simply a paper bag, empty spool, kitty toy, or just about any other object. Felines are good pets for people who travel now and then, because as long as they have a clean litter box and plenty of food and water, they can be left alone for a couple days.

Birds are Ideal Companions

Despite the fact that birds are noisier than most other pets, they make the perfect friend for many individuals, especially for the person who lives alone. They tend to bond with one person, unless everyone in the family plays a big part in feeding and caring for them on a daily basis. Just as many other kinds of domesticated animals, feathered companions demand attention. However, they will return the affection threefold. A bird will relieve stress and fulfill a person’s life by making them feel needed and loved. Yet, the bird can be confined to one area, so it takes up very little space and won’t roam your entire house.

A Healthy Pet is a Happy Pet

Keeping your pet healthy is the key to an enjoyable and happy pet, which will assure you a loving animal companion that will help to lower stress and improve your health. Taking your pet for routine exams at a reputable animal clinic, such as Animal Hospital Columbus, can help to keep your pet in top physical condition. A skilled veterinarian can recognize any apparent warning signs for health concerns and test for hidden diseases that are not so apparent. The vet will also keep your animal up-to-date on vaccinations and instruct you on the proper way to care for your pet.

Fish Aquariums Lower Stress

In addition, numerous studies have shown that fish tanks have a soothing, calming effect on nerves and lower blood pressure. This is why it is quite common to find aquariums in waiting rooms at hospitals and doctor offices. Observing fish swim back and forth is relaxing and lessens the anxiety of waiting to be examined. Even a small fishbowl with a betta or goldfish can be comforting, especially for someone who is ill and confined to a bed.

How to Keep Your Pet Safe in Summer Weather

While summer months spell fun for the family, there is one member of your clan that needs special attention when the weather turns hot. Our article below gives some important yet simple steps to take so that your summer is more pleasant and your family pet safer.

Keep Vet’s Phone Number Handy

Just as you would with a family member, be mindful to take note of your veterinarian’s office phone and/or that of an emergency pet clinic. If going away on vacation, be certain to know of the address of such facilities as well as the names of your pet’s current medications.